My Mamma’s Little Shop

She has always wanted a little shop of her own where she sells and creates anything she wants. However, in this day and time, people say that it can seem easy to build any shop of your choosing we, shall see what the future holds for her. She loves to garden and has many different … Continue reading My Mamma’s Little Shop

What are your Dreams?

Sometimes in your career you are asked to write down your dreams of what you want out of your life. It could be anything and be anything that you would want to happen in your life. It is a good question to ponder on when you get the chance to see what you would want … Continue reading What are your Dreams?

Disconnect to Reconnect.

You are so Right! People have become too connected with the internet, cell phones, and many other things. They do not value family time as much as they used to before the internet came along. I watch as families spend more time while they are eating on their phones instead of conversing with their children, spouse or other loved ones.

quickmeups - short uplifting messages.

Let’s face it, we’re hyper-connected. We’re over-connected. We’re pretty much never not-connected. We’ve always been taught that everything should be had in moderation – but it seems that a constant connection to the internet has been left off this list. We live in an increasingly connectivity-dependent society, and while it has some advantages, it’s definitely not natural for us. That’s why it’s important for us to take breaks from connectivity and experience the world. Disconnect to Reconnect.

Disconnect to Reconnect, Recharge, Center Yourself, Relax, Happiness Photo Credit: Marco

“Social media demands a lot of us on top of our already demanding lives. So let’s disconnect as we need to and renew our interest and ourselves.” – Simon Mainwaring

The internet has created a new way of life. There are advantages such as easy international communication and study, but there are also various problems associated with this growth. We’ve become dependent. There are even some of us that have…

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