Random Thoughts Continuous 2

Photo by NO NAME on Pexels.com As she sits her thinking about a title for the post she is about to make she cannot seem to find the right title. Therefore, she is going to write what is on her mind at the moment in time. Her morning started like all mornings she gets up … Continue reading Random Thoughts Continuous 2

Random Thoughts Continuous

Throughout the day, we spend our time meeting lots of people in the foodservice business. We have some rude customers as well. Maybe it is time for people to start voicing their opinions about what is going on in the world today. There is so much hate in the world that people don't know how … Continue reading Random Thoughts Continuous

Random Thoughts Continuous 1

You never know what you're going to see as your sitting outside no, matter what you are doing. There's always something to see doesn't matter if it's the people that walk by or drive by. People are mysterious in so many ways it's hard to understand what people are thinking throughout the day. It's not … Continue reading Random Thoughts Continuous 1